Fiducia Wealth Management

Marcus Honig of Napier Capital Management Ltd

BPRA was introduced by the Finance Act 2005 and was launched on 11 April 2007. It provides an incentive to bring unused or derelict properties back into use.

A BPRA investment scheme gives initial allowances of 100% on expenditure incurred on converting and renovating unused business premises in disadvantaged areas. A BPRA investment can provide valuable relief and may be worth considering for individuals with significant taxable income.

BPRA was originally intended to be available for a 5 y ear period (to expire on 11 April 2012). However, it was announced in the March 2011 budget that BPRA would be extended for a further 5 years (to April 2017).

The Assisted Areas Order 2007 (SI2007/107) confirmed the ‘development areas’ in the UK which are eligible for BPRA.

In order to claim BPRA:

  • There must be ‘qualifying expenditure’. This is capital expenditure on converting, renovating or repairing qualifying business premises.
  • The ‘qualifying building’ must be a commercial building or structure in a ‘disadvantaged area’ which has been empty for 12 months immediately before the conversion or renovation starts.
  • The last use must not have been as a dwelling and it must remain as a business premise after the renovations have taken place (use as a hotel is usually acceptable and satisfies this condition. Many BPRA investments are for conversion to hotels).

When undertaking a renovation project under these specific conditions, it’s important to ensure that all requirements are met to qualify for any available incentives or tax benefits.

The building must not only meet the criteria for being in a disadvantaged area and remaining vacant for the required period, but it also needs to retain its commercial status after the renovation.

This can include repurposing the property for a range of business uses, such as transforming an old office into a boutique hotel or modern office space.

It’s essential to work with a team that understands these regulatory nuances, as they can help guide you through the process while ensuring compliance with all legal requirements.

One area where expert advice can truly make a difference is in the design and execution of office renovations.

For instance, when considering an office conversion, opting for office fitouts Sydney ensures that your new space meets both aesthetic and functional needs.

From layout planning to choosing materials that are both cost-effective and durable, a professional fitout team can help optimize the space while adhering to business premises guidelines.

Their expertise will also streamline the process, reducing downtime and allowing your business to start benefiting from the new space sooner.

Previous use of buildings in some specific industries is excluded from BPRA (such as coal and steel).

Expenditure on acquiring land, extending a building or developing land next to a building does not qualify for BPRA.

Individuals and companies who incur the capital expenditure, and hold a relevant interest in the building, can claim 100% relief and deduct it from their trading profits for the capital costs mentioned above.

Individual UK-resident investors claiming BPRA can offset the initial relief against their total income tax for that year. Unused relief can be carried forward and set against total income for the following tax year.

Often investors obtain BPRA through investing via a form of trust or special purpose vehicle (SPV). This may be a limited partnership (LP) or limited liability partnership (LLP) depending on the structure used.

Any BPRA claimed may be clawed back if the property is sold, demolished or ceases to be used for qualifying purposes within 7 years after it was first used or available and suitable for letting. As it will take time to complete the initial refurbishment, typically BPRA investments will be retained for at least 8 years.

BPRA Example

This example shows the acquisition of a qualifying property for £2m by “BPRA limited partnership”. “BPRA LP” believes the total refurbishment cost will be £8m, giving a total property cost of £10m. The property will be converted from an office block (un-used for 12 months) to a hotel. The hotel will be operated by an experienced operator on a management contract, immediately after completion.
The LP has secured a limited recourse loan from a bank and negotiated 60% of the total value (i.e. £6m, secured against the property with no recourse on the investors). The LP needs to raise a further £4m in equity. The minimum individual equity investment is £50,000 (grossed up to £125,000, when the debt is in place, which demonstrates the effect of gearing).

Total Purchase Price

Per Unit


Minimum Equity Investment




Loan Facility per Unit (@60%)




Total Unit Value




PROPERTY COSTSProperty Purchase Price




Refurbishment Costs




Total Property Cost




Loan Facility




Equity Investment




BPRA Qualifying Expenditure (@80% of total property costs)




Tax Relief (based on 50% tax payer)




Net Equity Investment




At the end of the refurbishment, which we have assumed takes 12 months, the investor (a 50% tax-payer) is eligible for £50,000 in tax relief (per £50k invested). Following the refurbishment, the property immediately starts operating as a hotel and remains operating for the full 7 year term, at which point BPRA LP sells the property. At this time, the outstanding debt has been ammortised from the original £6m down to £4m and the hotel is paying an annual rent of £600k. The table below shows potential exit yields with corresponding investor returns.

Exit Yield (Gross)






Gross Return






Outstanding Debt






Net Proceeds






Total return per £50k invested (exc. BPRA relief)






Total return per £50k invested (incl. BPRA relief)






This financial model is only to be used as an example, and should not be considered a benchmark against which BPRA investments may be assessed.

The views in this article are that of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect those of Fiducia Wealth Management Ltd.

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The information contained in our website is for guidance only and does not constitute advice which should be sought before taking any action. The information is based on our understanding of legislation, whether proposed or in force, and market practice at the time of writing. Levels, bases and reliefs from taxation may be subject to change. Accordingly, no responsibility can be assumed by Fiducia Wealth Management Limited, or any associated companies or persons, its officers or its employees, for any loss occurred in connection with the content hereof and any such action. Professional financial advice is recommended for every case.

Fiducia is a multi award-winning firm of Financial Advisers based in Dedham near Colchester situated in the heart of Constable Country on the Essex Suffolk border.

Fiducia Wealth Management Ltd. Dedham Hall Business Centre, Brook Street, Dedham, Colchester, Essex, CO7 6AD.

Fiducia Wealth Management Ltd. is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. FCA No. 408210

Fiducia Wealth Management