Posted in Fiducia News, Awards, Charity on 30.05.22
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With Spring shortly coming to an end and summer readying itself to commence in June, we thought it best to provide an update on the comings and goings here at Fiducia. As the saying goes, make hay in May, well here we are, making the most of the opportunities the year has brought thus far. We hope you are too.

If you’ve been following our Developments in Dedham blog, you’ll be aware of the great start to the year we have had as a company. This has been the result of a collaborative effort amongst our teams, deliver outstanding levels of business performance and consequently, a great service to our clients. We are very fortunate to have the teams we have and value each individuals’ effort in the work produced. Since our last update in March, we have continued our progress on several fronts, including growing our team yet again.

Following the tax year ending in early April, we held a Charity Quiz Night in aide of Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB) Colchester. The evening was well supported by our professional connections, with members of Holmes & Hills, Whittles, Kerseys, Climbing Trees, TSP, Aquabridge, Gepps, Taylor Consulting & Clara Rose Consulting and Ensors, joining teams from Citizens Advice Bureau and Fiduica on the night.

Quiz master for the evening was none other than our very own Senior Financial Adviser Rob Wood. All of the teams had fun working their way through six rounds of questions, with Ensors – a team led by David Fairbank, coming out winners on the evening and taking home the Great Horksley Wine Centre giftset prizes.

The total amount raised for CAB Colchester was £2,000. Well done to Ensors and thank you to all those involved, we will certainly look to hold this type of event again in the future.

Over the past year, we have been keen followers and sponsors of Colchester Rugby Football Club. After a long season and plenty of matchday support from Fiducia personnel, the team have gained promotion in their first season at a new ground. This is fantastic news for both the club and the local community. From the 2022/23 season the club will be competing in the Regional 1 South East League.

We are delighted to announce we have again sponsored the British Cycling Event – Colchester Centurion II Race Series at the Northern Gateway racetrack. The 3/4/J race will be known as the Fiducia Wealth Management Colchester Centurion Men’s 3/4/J Race. We have enjoyed supporting Tofauti and Colchester Rovers cycling teams for the event. This event provides a great opportunity for local cycling enthusiasts to compete in a very well organised, and competitive, event at a fantastic facility. The first race in the series took place on Saturday 7th May. In a race full of action, Cameron Hurst came out on top in the first of three races in the series.

The next race is being held on 9th July 2022. If you are interested in competing or attending, click here.

In April we held our Young Professionals Networking Event in The Bootmaker, Chelmsford. The event was well attended with several members of Fiducia attending to meet and greet fellow young professionals in the area. We look forward to hosting more of these events throughout the year. Our next event will be held in Colchester, details to be announced shortly. If you’d like to receive more information about the event, please contact a member of our team.

Over the years we have been fortunate enough to be nominated for several awards, many of which we have won. During April we were informed of our nomination in the Capital Finance International Best Independent Financial Advisory – UK 2022 award. Time will tell if we win the award but the fact we have been nominated shows the levels of service we are providing to clients. We’re proud to be nominated.

In addition to a possible company award, we received notification that Co-Owner and Chartered Financial Adviser Susie Laws has been shortlisted for the final’s ceremony of the Women in Finance Adviser of the Year Award – Midlands & East Anglia region. With the awards ceremony taking place on Wednesday 7th July, we are all hoping Susie can make it 3 years in a row. Last year we said lightening couldn’t strike twice…well it did and now we’re all hoping for a third instalment! Good luck Susie!

Recently, Susie made an appearance on the Financial Planner Life Podcast. If you haven’t had a chance to listen to it yet, you can do so here. In addition to the podcast, Susie was also featured in Citywire, if you didn’t see that either you can read Susie’s thoughts on creating the right culture to attract young advisers to Fiducia here.

Whilst we’re mentioning the potential 3-time Adviser of the Year winner, we couldn’t miss off the huge challenges Susie undertook in April & May. First up was a half marathon on the London Landmarks course. Susie completed the course and raised an impressive £365 in the process for Tommy’s, the baby charity. Next up was the big one, a 20-mile, 200 obstacle course around the grounds of Burghley House. We’re pleased to report Susie made it round the course safely, even making time to smile in the mud as can be seen in the picture. Great efforts Susie!

In a swift, some might say catastrophic change of topic,  we’re pleased to announce we have a new member joining Team Fiducia in early June.

Kara Freeman will be joining our Client Services Team in the second week of June. We are all looking forward to welcoming Kara into Team Fiducia and wish her every success in the future with us. With more growth planned throughout 2022, we are still looking to hire additional people to our team. If working at Fiducia is of interest to you or anyone you know, please do speak to our Practice Manager Liz Barry for more information on the latest positions available.

So, as the summer months creep closer and the sun shines brighter, however you plan on spending your summer, remember to have fun and spend wisely!

If there’s anything the team here at Fiducia can do to help you with your personal finances, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.