Investing is intrinsically linked to global politics, industry, history and culture and the relationship between these factors is what makes it such a fascinating topic, besides a potentially very rewarding process. Gordon Kearney, Managing Director of Fiducia, recently had a conversation with Bill Hayton, one of the trustees of our charity of year, Citizens Advice Colchester (CAC), and also a prolific author and former BBC reporter in Vietnam. The author of three books on Asia, one of which is ‘The South China Sea: the struggle for power in Asia’ – a book which raises some interesting themes and questions regarding investing today – we felt this conversation with Bill would be an interesting share for clients and anyone with a global outlook.
Bill worked as a television and radio journalist from 1995 until 2020, for most of that time with BBC News. He was the BBC’s reporter in Vietnam in 2006-7 and was seconded to work with the Myanmar state broadcaster in 2013/14.
In this informal conversation recorded below, Gordon asks the following questions, which are generously and beautifully answered by Bill in a way that only someone who has been immersed in this part of the world could do.
Q1. As I am sure you know that Napoleon once said that once China wakes ‘he will shake the world’, do you think it was inevitable that China would awaken and what do you believe were the most significant factors were in this?
Q2. Your book discusses the tensions and disputes in the mineral and fish rich South China Sea, do you believe this will inevitably lead to conflict regionally and or globally?
Q3. Other than war, do you see anything else that may derail China’s ascent in the 21st Century?
Q4. Finally, a lot of focus as we have discussed today around the rise of Asia is based on China. Outside of China do you believe there are other nations whose significance will increase notably in the coming decades?
* Citizens Advice Colchester (CAC) was founded in 1939 to help the people of Colchester and its surrounding area cope with the challenges of war and is still helping local people today. During the pandemic many more people than usual have turned to Citizens Advice for assistance, so this free and confidential service really captures our values here at Fiducia.
While fundraising events have been curtailed by Lockdown, we wanted to explore how we could raise awareness as well as encourage any donations to the charity in the meantime. Please sign up to our mailing list to be informed of future fundraising plans.
You can make a donation to their fund via their LocalGiving webpage at . All donations will be entered into a prize draw to win one of two copies of Bill’s ‘The South China Sea: the struggle for power in Asia’.
In a world in which inclusivity and wellbeing matters more than ever, CAC is open to all and they reach out to make sure everyone in need can benefit from their work. We feel that in 2021 our community values at Fiducia are closely aligned in making a difference to families’ and individuals’ financial wellbeing. Please consider making a donation to support the work of CAC across the community of Colchester.
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Fiducia is a multi award-winning firm of Financial Advisers based in Dedham near Colchester situated in the heart of Constable Country on the Essex Suffolk border.
Fiducia Wealth Management Ltd. Dedham Hall Business Centre, Brook Street, Dedham, Colchester, Essex, CO7 6AD.
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