Cost vs Value: Would you pay £2 for a £1 COIN?
Posted in Financial Advice, Wealth Management on 18.12.19 ReadNow picture this: it’s raining, you’re running late for a meeting, the parking meter only accepts £1 Coins and you...
It’s that time of year again. We’re heading full pelt into the holiday season when we all long for quality time with loved ones but invariably end up stressed out, over-indulged and overdrawn.
For some inexplicable reason, we feel compelled to host the perfect Christmas lunch, to buy the perfect present and to make it the ‘most magical time of the year’.
It’s exhausting! No wonder we need a rest in January to recover our mental health and replenish our bank accounts. So, how about keeping hold of your cash this year, giving yourself – and others – the gift of financial freedom?
Budget and Plan
Like anything else in life, it’s best if you set yourself a budget for Christmas and plan how you will spend it. This way, it’s less likely you will end up panic buying on Christmas Eve or putting yet another expense on the credit card.
Organise a Secret Santa
Instead of wasting endless hours and far too much money buying everyone a gift, that they probably don’t want or need anyway, why not organise a Secret Santa for the adults in your life? Keeping the budget to a token amount of, say, £5, £10 or £20 takes the pressure off those with less disposable cash.
Offer Your Time
Instead of buying a gift, why not offer your time as a present? You could babysit someone’s children, help an elderly person with their garden, offer to fix something. The possibilities are endless and the gift will be so much more personal and, likely, far more appreciated!
Remember Charities
For some people, the holiday season can be the worst time of the year. Lots of supermarkets run campaigns to help customers donate cans of food and other items to homeless charities. You could volunteer at a shelter or just remember to lend a few minutes of your time and a smile to someone who needs it. Or, how about donating to charity on someone’s behalf, instead of a gift? It’s worth noting that donations to charity receive tax-relief.
Set up Savings for Children
If the children in your life, whether grandchildren or nephews and nieces are lucky enough to receive more presents then they know what to do with, why not start a savings account for them instead? A grandparent can set up a Junior ISA on their behalf, for example. Or, if you’re a parent, you could ask family members for cash to put into your child’s savings account. The children won’t miss the presents now, but will certainly be glad to receive the cash in the future.
Don’t Neglect Yourself
Gift yourself time for relaxation and contemplation. January is just around the corner and usually a time for organising finances. Perhaps you are due to submit your tax return in January or you are planning on getting to grips with your pensions, savings and investments in 2020? You will want to be refreshed enough to deal with these issues and set those long-held plans into action once the holiday season is over.
Why not take the first step now by booking yourself a financial planning meeting in the New Year? Fiducia Wealth Management offers a free initial meeting with no obligation.
Wishing you a restful Christmas and a happy New Year!
If you would like to know more about how we as Financial Advisers can help you set, plan and achieve your financial goals then financial planning section of our website: Financial Planning or send us email at: [email protected]
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Fiducia is a multi award-winning firm of Financial Advisers based in Dedham near Colchester situated in the heart of Constable Country on the Essex Suffolk border.
Fiducia Wealth Management Ltd. Dedham Hall Business Centre, Brook Street, Dedham, Colchester, Essex, CO7 6AD.
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