Guest Editor
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This month’s guest blog comes from our professional connection H D Consultants, provided by principal and founder Howard Reuben.

Having been a financial adviser focusing on mortgages and protection for nearly 27 years, I’ve had the pleasure to work with a wide range of clients including families, businesses, sole traders, individuals, couples and a plethora of other permutations. Over the years, I’ve helped to plan, design and implement strategies and ongoing reviews for home purchases, BTL portfolios, business protection, and all types of family and mortgage life cover too.  And the one thing that all these cases have in common is that every one is different.

Because of the variables involved – income amounts and structures vary, employment contracts differ, credit statuses and payment histories are all unique; as are ages, health, and future aspirations – picking a mortgage or a life insurance policy ‘off the shelf’ (or via the comparethefurryanimal online shops) can lead to a world of trouble for future affordability and flexibility. Moreover, it can result in costly ‘get outs’ to repair the situation and untangle yourself.

Our Firm is made up of professional mortgage and insurance advisers who are client-centric. We are focused on ensuring the right outcome is arranged and – importantly, in our opinion – do not consider ourselves salespeople from whom a policy or mortgage is bought. Rather, we provide an independent financial service with full written recommendations, guidance and the planning of future reviews.  As specialist Buy To Let mortgage brokers we work closely with portfolio owners, planning short, medium and long term financing, and maintaining regular contact to ensure the most profitable mortgage deals are in place. Some of our Clients own hundreds of properties and our CRM systems help us to maintain the best rates with the required flexibility to aid the growth of their property businesses.

Having been in business for nearly 27 years, we know that what our Clients want is the peace of mind that they have not been sold to by a commission-hungry salesperson, that they have the best value deal and that the required future flexibility is available on demand. It’s also crucial a client is confident that when a claim is submitted for their family, mortgage or business life insurance policy, the payment will be made without delay or question.  This is our ethos and we are so proud to be working alongside Fiducia Wealth Management as we share all of these core values.  Whether a need is based on investments, pensions, insurance, life cover, mortgages or any type of finance for borrowing, the teams at H D Consultants and Fiducia Wealth Management can work together to ensure a robust, personalised, fully insured and professional financial plan.

Howard Reuben is Principal and Founder of H D Consultants and a specialist in property investor-focused Buy to Let Mortgages.


Guest Editor

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Fiducia is a multi award-winning firm of Financial Advisers based in Dedham near Colchester situated in the heart of Constable Country on the Essex Suffolk border.

Fiducia Wealth Management Ltd. Dedham Hall Business Centre, Brook Street, Dedham, Colchester, Essex, CO7 6AD.

Fiducia Wealth Management Ltd. is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. FCA No. 408210