More To Come In 2017 For Fiducia Wealth Management
As 2016 draws to a close there is much to reflect on and in so many ways it has been a memorable year…
There have been major and unexpected voting outcomes (Brexit and the US Presidential election) with more to come in 2017, which together will have an effect on the world we live in and on economic and investment prospects for the next several years. Our challenge is to secure the value of those opportunities in our portfolios throughout the New Year.

We have continued to test ourselves against our peers. In the early part of the year Fiducia was shortlisted in three categories at the Money Marketing Awards but were not placed in any category. However, we made up for any disappointment by winning the Moneyfacts Investment Adviser of the Year award for 2016 in September and we were delighted to be included in the Citywire New Model Adviser Top 100, as one of the leading financial adviser firms in the UK.
We held our 2016 Fiducia Charity Challenge in June which raised money for a local charity, The Rob George Foundation and in September we were the main sponsors of the Fiducia Dedham Run that raised funds for the local Primary School in Dedham. We have also separately raised funds by supporting the Macmillan Cancer Support coffee morning and Save the Children Christmas jumper day.
During the year we have expanded our working relationships with other professional firms, in Law, Accountancy and Property, across Essex and into South Suffolk.
A new Fiducia website with many new features will launch in January 2017, to improve and extend how we communicate with clients and professional friends as well as improve your client experience with us.
At a personal level, we send our very best wishes to our colleague Sarah Doy who will marry Joe Mason on 7th January 2017. Also, sometime in January Catherine and I will become grandparents for the fourth time.
Finally, I would like to wish all our clients and friends a very Happy Christmas and a peaceful and prosperous New Year. Thank you for allowing us to continue to assist and advise you and for the trust you place in us, which is never taken for granted.
The office will be closed on Friday 23rd December and open between Christmas and the New Year on Wednesday 28th, Thursday 29th and Friday 30th December. We will then close for the New Year Bank Holiday on Monday 2nd January and reopen on Tuesday 3rd January 2017.
Best wishes,
On behalf of all the team at Fiducia Wealth Management Ltd