John Millican, Chairman
Posted in Pensions & Retirement on 19.07.10

With the change of minimum pension age from 50 to 55 an unintended consequence was that anyone who had commenced Unsecured Pension (USP) prior to 6th April 2010 aged between 50 and 55 would be subject to an Unauthorised Payment charge should they wish to transfer to another provider.  Following pressure from industry representatives and after receiving further legal advice the HMRC confirmed that no such charges would apply.  However, it continued to indicate that any income payments taken by the member from the receiving scheme before his 55th birthday would be taxed as unauthorised payments.

The Government has now indicated that they intend to bring forward legislation to amend these rules and to remove the unauthorised payment charge from income drawn between age 50 and 55 following transfer of a USP scheme.

The willingness of the HMRC to remove the unintended consequence of the change to minimum pension age is welcome and shows that they are becoming far less prescriptive and far more receptive to industry representation.

If you would like to know more about how we as Financial Advisers can help you  with your Pensions and overall Retirement Planning then visit the Retirement Planning section of  our website: Retirement Planning  or send us email at: [email protected]

The information contained in our website is for guidance only and does not constitute advice which should be sought before taking any action. The information is based on our understanding of legislation, whether proposed or in force, and market practice at the time of writing. Levels, bases and reliefs from taxation may be subject to change. Accordingly, no responsibility can be assumed by Fiducia Wealth Management Limited, or any associated companies or persons, its officers or its employees, for any loss occurred in connection with the content hereof and any such action. Professional financial advice is recommended for every case.

Fiducia is a multi award-winning firm of Financial Advisers based in Dedham near Colchester situated in the heart of Constable Country on the Essex Suffolk border.

Fiducia Wealth Management Ltd. Dedham Hall Business Centre, Brook Street, Dedham, Colchester, Essex, CO7 6AD.

Fiducia Wealth Management Ltd. is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.. FCA No. 408210

John Millican, Chairman
Posted in Pensions & Retirement on 19.07.10