Under the Spotlight – Fund Manager Q&A
Posted in Financial Planning, Fiducia News (+2 more), on 12.04.21 ReadAs part of our ongoing client communications, we like to regularly post quarterly Fund Manager Q&As, in an effort to give a...
I joined Fiducia Wealth Management on 18th January 2021 as Client Servicing Administrator
I think I would like to work in retail as a window dresser or a personal shopper. I do appreciate a lovely dressed window, as well as the changes for seasons and key events throughout the year.
I like to plan my day first thing and allocate each work task a slot in my diary. The day rarely pans out that way, so I need to be flexible and move tasks on where needed. Closely followed by coffee.
The variety keeps things interesting I love not knowing exactly what is in store each day. Whilst the role is similar in the type of work I do, I never know what can crop up and make me think “right what’s the best outcome for the client here?” Time pressures can be challenging and managing client and providers expectations.
Well, at the moment (in lockdown) this is Friday night dinner (not the TV show), cooked or ordered in by my eldest son and cleared away by my youngest son. We all sit down together and chat, debate and laugh. This is something that rarely happened pre-lockdown.
What I’m looking forward to is the return of community rugby (union). I’m a volunteer at Colchester Rugby Club and have missed my rugby family.
Currently I’m looking at a strong 8. It takes a while and is always changing, be it on the home front or work, but I’m happy with my work / life balance.
Welcoming, knowledgeable, and fun!
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Fiducia is a multi award-winning firm of Financial Advisers based in Dedham near Colchester situated in the heart of Constable Country on the Essex Suffolk border. www.fiduciawealth.co.uk
Fiducia Wealth Management Ltd. Dedham Hall Business Centre, Brook Street, Dedham, Colchester, Essex, CO7 6AD.
Fiducia Wealth Management Ltd. is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. FCA No. 408210
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